How to Make the Elise Handle

The Lotus Elise is one of the best handling cars every made. It is competitive even when driven from the show room floor to the race track. The Lotus Ride and Handling engineers made the right decisions when setting up the suspension. However they did need to make some assumptions on the type of competition and needed to make some compromises so the car was acceptable on the street. The handling can be improved if you are willing to reduce the capability of the car in other areas.


Any modification from stock has a safety risk associated with it. You must know what you are doing. We can not take responsibility for any mishaps you may experience using the adviced contained on this website. Examples provided here have worked for some but may not work for you.



Puhn, Fred. How to Make Your Car Handle. Los Angeles: HP Books, 1981.

Alexander, Don. Performance Handling. Osceola, WI: Motorbooks International, 1991.

Milliken, William and Douglas. Race Car Vehicle Dynamics. Warrendale: SAE, 1995.