Lotus Elise removed side grilles

Caution: This section includes various modifications made to the Lotus Elise. Do not perform these modifications unless you know what you are doing. We accept no responsibility for damage to you or your car.


These are some of the modifications we and our friends have performed on the Elise. Some are for cosmetic reasons, such as removing the grilles, and some are to make the car safer and easier to drive. The EliseTalk community helped with ideas, pictures, and words, and I strongly recommend participation if you are going to maintain or modify your Elise.

driver's seatThe seat is raised one inch.

fire extinguisherA fire extinguisher is mounted in front of the passenger seat and using the existing seat mounting studs.

mesh grillesThe egg crate and plastic grilles are replaced with expanded mesh.

lugnutsThe splined lug nuts are replaced with BMW M3 lug nuts

grille removalstart of project to remove all grille material

tail light grilleremoving the grilles near the tail lights, filling the holes

side grille removalremoving the side grilles, trying a frame

front grille removalremoving the front grilles and radiator exits

mirrormaking a smaller mirror that mounts higher

air hornreplace the original horn with a louder air horn

wheela pictorial sequence showing how to replace the steering wheel with a removable steering wheel. Graphics intensive (1MB). Thanks to Theo

111R wheelhow to replace the Federal steering wheel with the steering wheel from the 111R European version. (many pictures, lengthy download time)

cold air intakehow to install the TurboXS cold air intake (While I used my car to model the installation, I did not leave the intake installed. I enjoyed the noise it makes but worried about the reduced filtration of the air. It made an amazing noise at full throttle!)

key fobThe transmitter circuit board from the Cobra immoblizer is installed in the combined key and fob from Blackwatch Racing.

console removal how to remove the shift console in preparation for bracing the shift frame.

brace the shift matrix how to keep the shifter from flexing and reduce the vague shift pattern.

See also: