Comments About the Lotus Elise
- Stedicam tells us about the essentials
- Greg Brown writes an editorial about Alfa and Lotus entering the US.
- John O'Rear contrasts the M100 and the Elise.
- Theo talks about how drivers react to the Elise
- RacerX takes his Elise to Thunderhill
- dneeley describes some differences between the S1 and the Federal E
- sean a signature that says what the Elise is not, from various
- Padrino provides some thoughts after test driving a Federal Elise
- Kiyoshi visits LCU and drives the new Federal Elise
- SteveK visits the factory and has a driving experience
- Dan Harman drives the new Exige Series 2
- Cale talks with Nick Adams and others
- Sean provided some new "E" names
- Jeff and Clive discuss softer bushings
- Jon Pippard compares the Elise and the Seven
- Andrew Barron drives the Federal Elise
- Ian2 talkes about reliability problems and what to expect
- Chris Smith drive an early Federal Elise prototype with the Toyota engine.
- Greg N. Brown has some thoughts when driving in Italy
- Dr Geoff Martin comments about the Series one
- Jeff comments about the various possible powerplants for the Elise before its arrival
Previous Comments:
Mark 1 Comments
- Country of Origin (see also technology partnership document):
- made in the England
- Russia - wheels
- Japan - engine, gearbox, and tires
- France - body and wiper motor
- Germany - stereo, dampers, airbags, and springs
- Italy - steering wheel, brakes
- Norway - chassis
- United States - antilock brakes
- Wheels: one tidbit I can share is that there quite a bit of interest from the aftermarket wheel makers. There's a lot of concern at Lotus about this because during development they were supplied wheels that met or exceeded the EU regulations for strength/durability, but in testing on the cars they were cracking! The wheel maker was blown away and couldn't believe what was happening. The result is the stock & LSS wheels are 2.5 times stronger than the EU reg requires. Cool!