Coin Slot's Guide to Paces Races 7
Shut-Off or Carriage Return Valve
The SHUT OFF or CARRIAGE RETURN VALVE will be found on the finish board (RH-1020). This valve is merely a brass nipple protruding through the finish board with a hose connected to it. A round pad is fastened on the strip of metal (RH-238) and is lifted by the winning horse through the medium of (RH-240). This valve is opened at the finish of the race which allows the outside air to enter and operate the pneumatic (RH-1016). This in turn operates the lever (RH-209) causing cam (RH-270) on the carriage (RH-115) to grab the chain and return to starting position.
It is very essential that the return valve mentioned above is seating properly so that it will not leak; otherwise the carriage will return before the race is completed. It is also essential that the horses do not hit the plunger on the 34th notch; otherwise the vibration may lift this valve enough to return the carriage without setting up valve RH-239) for a pay-out. Part (RH-239) should be adjusted so that part (RH-237) raises (RH-239) slightly before it raises the bar (RH-238), thereby assuring that the winning horse sets up the valve to transfer the vacuum to the pay-off pneumatics before shut-off valve opens and returns the carriage.