Website Development
The Sands Mechanical Museum is an award winning website developer, specializing in small sites. We have experience developing large, industrial grade websites such as Site2, Purple Moon, and Teachacape, but we prefer smaller more personal sites like our Sands Mechanical Museum and Van Buren Light House.
We use text editors, GoLive, PHP, Perl, MySQL, DreamWeaver, Photoshop, Java Scrip and other tools to develop our sites. We develop using both Macintosh and Windows platforms and can provide acess to web hosting services. The current labor rate is $80 per hour.
Antique Arcade Game Restoration
We used to offer restoration services. We have since retired and now work only on our own games. We are happy to talk about how you might proceed with your own restoration and willingly consult on previous restorations.
You can email us using the contact form.
The Sands Mechanical Museum
Michael Sands and wife
1652 Kennewick Drive
Sunnyvale, California 94087
phone: +1 408-773-1170