Paces Races Restoration Progress March 20
The assembly of the odds wheel end of the game, the right side, is finished. The finish line is complete including pneumatics, the piano roll mechanism is added, and various pneumatic bellows and vacuum breaks installed.
The bellows that are activated by the winning horse are added. Note the various amount of twist no the bracket that activates the odds lever.
What a pain. I assumed the bellows mounted on the two metal strip brackets were all identical. Nope. I needed to swap positions until all the bellows were approximately the same distance apart. Again the twist in the brackets that grab the levers is critical in order to insure smooth movement. Note the holes for the payout tubing with the amounts cast into the metal, "2" for paying out two coins, "8" for eight and so on. The other side goes clear up to payout of 20 coins.
This is the finish line. The horses race from left to right and the first one to push the small rod wins. The rod lifts a finger which in turn lifts one of the wood buttons, sending a vacuum to the corresponding bellows under the odds wheel.
The bottom of the game is to the left while the bellows are on top. The vacuum break, rebuilt bellows, are installed to the left. Vacuum lines go from the player piano roll mechanism into the wood block on the left. As the horses race, the wood block is sealed and the vacuum continues out of the nipples shown to the valve box where the signal gets translated to horse movement. Once there is a winner, the bellows compress and prevent any further signals.
The piano roll mechanism is installed. The bellows in the foreground, top right, is the reverse bellows, sending the shuttle back to the start at the end of the race. The bellows in the upper left pulls a geared rack to spin the odds wheel.
The chain that drives the piano roll mechanism is installed. It runs from the piano roll mechanism to the friction drive. The other sprocket of the friction drive goes to the drive change.
The right end of the game is mostly finished. The bellows at the left pull on a rack lever to spin the odds wheel. The bellows on the right cause the shuttle to reverse and return to the star line.