Coin Slot's Guide to Paces Races 7
Coin Slot Magazine and Richard Bueschel created a series of pamphlets each describing a particular game. The pamphlets covered the history, appearance, and instructions. Often parts lists and diagrams were included. Guide number seven covered Pace Paces Races and was published in October 1979.
- Guide and History
- Don't
- Set Up
- Motor
- Electrical Wiring
- Power Plant
- Valve Box
- Advertisment
- Odds Dial
- Coin Head
- Kick-Off Valves
- Ratchet Bar
- Carriage
- Shut-Off or Carriage Return Valve
- Shut-Off Pneumatic and Reverse
- Coin Head Shut-Off Pneumatic
- Pay Out Slides
- Roll Assembly
- Air Cleaners
- How to Test Horses
- Greasing and Oiling
- Red Arrow Advertisement