Technical Information about the Lotus Elise
- Plastic components for the Elise
- Lotus introduces the Versatile Vehicle Architecture
- Automotive Engineering on the develoment of the Federal Elise
- Automotive Design and Production, about bonding with aluminium
- Automotive Design and Production, explains Lotus' Versatile Vehicle Architecture
- Waiver for bumper and headlights on Federal Elise
- original petition from LCU, August 25, 2003
- Federal Register, October 24, 2003, providing information on waiver
- RoadFly request that the waiver be granted
- LCU errata sheet, making corrections on the original application
- Federal Register, February 5, 2004, granting waiver
- American Machinist, 2000, has a Adobe Acrobat file on the use by Lotus of technology to proof CAD, to prototype, to production dimensions of the design.
- SAE 2000-01-0671, about the development by Toyota of the 2ZZ-GE engine, later to be used by Lotus. (SAE wants $1500 to host the pdf file, which is too expensive for the educational purposes of this web site. I suggest doing a search to find it on the web.)
- Design, Spring 1998, interview with Thomson and Rackham
- Concentra developed Integrated Car Engineer, and this was used to design the Elise
through 1996
- Engeering with Aluminium, October 1995 talks about the technology and repair
- Assembly Automation details the aluminum extrusions and adhesives
- Automotive Industries describes the automotive technologies involved in the chassis